
Who Was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife?

The Man Who Found The Cure For CancerThis is an excerpt from the book "The Cancer Cure That Worked! | Fifty Years of Suppression" by Barry Lynes [1987] The achievements of a remarkable San Diego scientist who, back in the 1930s, invented a powerful optical microscope in order to be able to see living bacteria, viruses and fungi (pathogens) that he suspected to be causing a range of illnesses. He found he could see the individual pathogens better by illuminating them with a...


10 Foods & Chemicals that Destroy the Immune System

Sugar - no matter the amount of Immune Fighting Cells, large amounts of sugar puts them to sleep - can no longer fight invasions of germs (viruses, parasites, bacteria) 1 Can of cool drink contains 8 and more teaspoons of sugar Phosphoric Acid - found in Cola drinks - highly toxic and corrosive acid Artificial Sweeteners - Aspartame - found in Zero Sugar Cool Drinks and in packets as sugar alternatives - destroys brain cells leading to Alzheimer's Refined Cooking...


High Blood Pressure

by Allan Wohrnitz (BSc) Normal blood pressure is vital to the nutrition of cells. It is necessary to force food and oxygen, or plasma carrying sugar, amino acids, vitamins and minerals into the tissues through porous microscopic capillary walls. It is also necessary to attract tissue fluids carrying waste from the cells to the blood vessels. Factors that create High Blood Pressure (High BP) Stress - larger than normal amounts of water and sodium are held in the body Tension -...


Concentration, Memory and Mental Sharpness

Concentration, Memory and Mental Sharpness by Allan Wohrnitz (BSc) When it comes to exams, the stress associated to exams, or the need to focus while reading or driving or the need to work late to study without falling asleep, what can one do to ensure one's nervous system and nerves in the brain are able to cope. What about the physically normal child who cannot concentrate and who is then labeled with a psychiatric “disease” (ADHD) and is then rapidly drugged with...